"When it's over I want to say: all my life i was a bride married to amazement.
I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms. - MARY OLIVER
In its grandeur, she's the Goddess of Light
cloak in darkness
If You chose her as your constant companion,
You'll love her like none other
For she brings fearlessness and purposefulness,
a touch of authenticity to your life.
She has, chosen You, as her companion
right from the beginning of your birth
She loves you, irregardless of your ignorance,
gender, color,creed, caste, status and religion.
And I love her.
I revel in her.
I stand before Her in prostration.
She is my religion.
She purifies. She vivifies.
She brings the whole world
to her feet in humbleness.
She brings with Her the greatest Gift of Life
against all other expectations.
Receive her gift with complete acceptance,
And She bestows your Life with radiant wonder
Death is her name
Yet she teaches me to fall in Love with Life
Acquaint with Her at all times,
and life becomes a Miracle.
She teaches me many times about Life,
to open beyond all openness
To connect beyond all connections,
and to love with absolute abandon
I could dive into her arms and let my breathe be the last
But I heard Her uproarious laughter as she enters parts of me
She takes on many guises and comes in many ways
For her loyal friend 'Fear' is always by Her side.
To open to Her to receive her wondrous gift,
we must be willing to be opened to her dearest friend, Fear
Welcome Her, Embrace Her, Rejoice in Her
Death ...
in waking moments.
Each breathe brings Her closer
Each night, in peace She speaks
to Her solemn silence
Interesting. Kinda Dark..Kinda spirited too very unique uptake..